Sudanese Model Ajak Deng Quits Modelling Due To Fashion Industry Fake; Could It Be Racism?
Top Sudanese model Ajak Deng who grew up in Australia fires at the fashion industry announcing it as fake all whilst announcing her resignation. Without explaining why the top model took to instagram to say this….

I am happy to announce that I am officially done with the fashion industry, I will be moving back to Australia In order to live the life that I fully deserved. Which is real life. I can no longer deal with the fakes and the lies. My life is too short for this dramatic life. I am thankful and grateful for every sweet souls that I have crossed path with.”
There is no telling if this could simply be the social life issues she is having with her peers and co workers, or if it was race related. However, her instagram picture right before the resignation image above she had posted an instagram picture of herself holding a #BlackModelsMatter bag.
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