Nova parceria do GTM Fashion- RFD Fashion Directory
O blog GTM Fashion vem crescendo a cada dia e sempre buscando novas parcerias e conquistas! e com grande prazer que anunciamos a parceria e a compra do banco de dados de modelos( RFD-Fashion Directory ) que já vem a alguns dias sendo anunciado no nosso blog ali na barra ao lado.
O RFD Fashion Directory e um banco de dados que passa todas as novidades sobre modelos e seus trabalhos, tem como destaque desse tipo de banco de dados o site MODELS.COM que e o melhor na realizaçao desse trabalho.
Buscamos inovar sempre e mensalmente o GTM Fashion lançara um catalogo de nome RFD Fashion Directory que vai trazer um resumo dos principais trabalhos feitos por modelos de todo o mundo alem da METRO Magazine que esta sendo um grande sucesso que continuara sendo publicada mensalmente.
The GTM Fashion blog is growing every day and always looking for new partnershipsand accomplishments! and with great pleasure that we announce the partnership and the purchase of database models (RFD-Fashion Directory) that has already beenannounced a few days here in our blog on the sidebar.
The RFD Fashion Directory and a database that goes all the news about models andtheir work was noted for this kind of database that the site MODELS.COM and better atdoing this job.
We strive to continuously innovate and monthly GTM Fashion cast a catalog name RFDFashion Directory that will bring a summary of key works by models of the world beyondthe METRO Magazine that this is a great success that will continue being publishedmonthly.
The RFD Fashion Directory and a database that goes all the news about models andtheir work was noted for this kind of database that the site MODELS.COM and better atdoing this job.
We strive to continuously innovate and monthly GTM Fashion cast a catalog name RFDFashion Directory that will bring a summary of key works by models of the world beyondthe METRO Magazine that this is a great success that will continue being publishedmonthly.
Equipe GTM Fashion (GTM Fashion Team)
RFD-Fashion Directory
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